Legal notice

Yves Monnier

Partners and Funders
Ministère de la Culture
Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Département Isère
Département Savoie

Graphic design and web development : Olivier Monnier
Photo credits: Pascale Cholette, Camille Oliveri, Ludovic Fortoul, Yves Monnier
Video credits: Clément Fessy, Yves Monnier
Website hosting company: OVH
Software & development: This website uses WordPress (open source), distributed under GNU/GPL license.

This site also uses additional modules under GNU/GPL license.

Personal data nature and utilisation
Personal information regarding Users may be collected through this Website with the agreement of the User, through the contact form. This information will be used for the sole purpose of replying to the request of the Users in the most efficient way. These personal data are intended to be used only by Yves Monnier, they won’t be forwarded to any third parties.
Given it characteristics, this website is exempt from making declarations to CNIL.

Content: The editor strives to ensure the overall accuracy and updates for the information posted on the website apart from material errors.
Web links toward the editor has no control and cannot be in any case be liable or responsible for the links created by third parties toward this website. But he reserves the right to require removal of a link to any its web pages.

Intellectual Property Rights – Counterfeits
In accordance with articles L-122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code, Yves Monnier is the owner of the intellectual property rights to the whole elements composing the website (photos, graphic charter, videos, maps, texts, etc.). For this reason, or without an explicit prior authorisation, the use of a part or the entire website for commercial uses is strictly prohibited. In any case, the mention of the source is mandatory. Any violation of the above stipulations constitutes an infringement of copyright and is likely to lead to civil and/or criminal proceedings against the party responsible. The editor reserves the right to modify or correct the site’s contents at any time, without notice. Information contained in this service shall not amount to any warranty or commitment from the editor vis-à-vis the Internet user.